Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Citizenship: Right or Privelege

Is Citizenship a Guaranteed Right For Everyone?

      Achieving citizenship for some is as simple as being born, but for others the road is long.
           It begins with living in the U.S. for five years lawfully. You must be 18 and hold a "Green Card"; be a person of good moral character; and have the ability to read, write, speak and understand the simple in English.
           In Eau Claire we are seeing more nationalities than ever before. Many of these people hope to make both Eau Claire and United States their permanent home. Each group brings new ideas, foods and friends. We become better people with more contact.
           Granting citizenship in a good way to make sure we grow as a country, studying citizenship is important. (http://www.visaus.com/citizen.html)

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